Sunday, November 22, 2009


A little update..this last week we had the opportunity to actually do something besides homework...Woo hoo!! We went out to Olive Garden for dinner and then to see the midnight showing of the Twilight movie and it was a lot of fun!! Kyle's aunt had rented out two theaters for friends and family so we didn't have to wait in any crazy lines!! It was great!! I have to admit that I was trying to stay awake the whole time during the movie but only because I was REALLY tired..but the movie was awesome!! On Friday, due to our lack of sleep we passed out at about 9 o'clock and I had to get up early so I didn't want to stay up late anyway..Saturday I had my usual clinical day..*my last one for the semester might I add) I was in the ER and I got to learn a lot!! After clinicals we just relaxed at home and got a little bored!! Then this happened!!!...

Let me explain...So I have been learning a lot as a nursing student and this weekend I had the opportunity to get a little bit more experience with starting IV' wasn't in the hospital or the clinic where I was on Kyle!!! I just have to tell you how good of a sport he was letting me practice on him...He was so nervous to let me do it because as you can see I'm no expert! I just forgot one tiny step (a step to prevent it from bleeding all over the place!! hahah) but he is still alive and no one was seriously injured during the no need to worry!! P.S. I will get better I promise I just need more practice...any other takers?? jk Anyway, we had a great weekend...they just seem to go so fast!! But I'm definitely excited for this week and Thanksgiving!! Eating all the good food, seeing family, Black Friday shopping...I can't wait!! Well, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day!! :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wedding Pictures

So I told you they would be they are!!! Sorry it's going to be a lot of pictures for this post!!

My new family:

The Ring Ceremony:
My BEAUTIFUL bridesmaids:
The Handsome GROOM and his groomsmen:

My favorite:
My GREAT friends:
My beautiful cake:
I totally got him first, but....
He totally got me back!
The bouquet and garter toss:
Off to Cabo we went!!
It was such a great day and everything turned out perfectly!! :)