Sunday, April 5, 2009


It is almost coming to the end of my first year of nursing school and I couldn't be happier!! I know I still have a year left to complete but it seems like I'm headed on the downslope now..well..hopefully!! I had a huge test this weekend that I had to pass to continue my education in this program! Let me tell you...I have never been so nervous in my life!! I couldn't sleep the night before because all I could think about was if I didn't pass...could I take it again?! or would I just fail out of the program! :( I didn't want that so I studied the best that I could and hoped for the best!! My test was scheduled for 8:30 in the morning and I didn't leave the school until about 12:30....but.......I PASSED!!! (Barely, but I don't care...I PASSED!!) WOO HOO!!! I have never been so relieved...that means I can register to take my LPN boards and finally get on the ball to get a job that I can have when I graduate!!! I'm so excited and I can't believe that I have already completed a full year of nursing school!! But I'm most excited for the 3 month break I have starting May 1st...Summer and fun, here I come!!

1 comment:

John and Kortney said...

Congrats Linds!! Way to go champ!!